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Dirty Women, Black Sabbath [now Fault and Fracture, Converge [was playing]
Be thankful this is radio, friends; I’m not on video for a reason. Although I pick up an occasionally movie gig (Night of the Living Dead, like that, mostly flesh-chewing zombie roles where it’s eat or be eaten), I admit I’m a three-bagger: bag (1) over the head, bag (2) over the first bag in case it breaks, and bag (3) over the lightbulb in case the first two fail. My current GF tells me I’m a year or a case away from bag (4): a body bag. Takes a lady about five rum & cokes, light on the coke, to dig me. Then I’m like a magnet to a rusty can.
Favorite quote. As my inspiration Ben Franklin once said about women: “in the dark, all cats are gray.” Yeah, they called it cat back then, too.
— Quasimodo
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