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We handle waterfront estates, townhouses, beach cottages, business parks: nothing is too small or too large. Check the wide variety of properties available from our fine agents. You’ll notice that we like to present real estate differently — with tongue in cheek — because we believe that looking for a new home for your family or business shouldn’t be a chore, but a joy. We also know that you can only judge a property by seeing it in person. So we give you a picture and the facts and replace the hype with humor. (Maybe we’re not all that different, since the typical property description can be pretty funny without meaning to be.) View us often and let us bring Northica into your life: Northican real estate doesn’t get more real than this.
In our offices we offer internet access, fax and copy machines, statistics for area towns, schools, and businesses, brochures on local cultural events and activities, maps, and local phone listings.
Please call us if you’re interested in the Northican real estate market or would like a free market evaluation or buyer qualification, and find out why we’ve been a Northican tradition for over a century. We’re excited to hear from you.
Family owned and run for over a hundred years, Leithaus Realty is the largest independent broker on the eastern coast of Northica. Since the 1930s Poji Point Light has served as a symbol of our pride and excellence and reflect our roots on the south shore and strong ties to the local community:
Certified Realty and Property Specialists •
Associatian of Resort Specialists and Entrepreneurs •
Commercial Investment Council •
Charter member, Robinsdale County Chamber of Commerce
Leithaus Realty, property guidance since 1898 serving Applecross • Calder • Cashel Heights • Cedar Hollow • Corintha • East Calder • Fort Rowan • Foseptiq • Franklin Village • Selkirk • Shimen Grove • St Andrews Station • Tinwald • Not responsible for typographical errors; we ask your pardon.
Licensed by the Northican Department of Finance and Trade #354-77A21C
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