Concert music featuring Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and modern orchestral and choral works. Small label artists performed exclusively from 9p to midnight; Gregorian chant Sundays at 7a.
East Calder
listed under Radio Stations and Broadcasting Companies
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Hearty Italian meal for the cheese and pasta lovers. 2008-12-09
A selection of contemporary landscapes from the gallery. For more landscapes, see the subjects ships, flora, and cities of the world. 2008-11-12
A delightful pie crust for any occasion. 2008-11-07
Regal master of its street, this Georgian home proudly presents a bright red oak door to guests arriving by the brick walk. 2008-12-23 19:50:03
A red maple grandly poses in the backyard of a pleasant Victorian home. 2008-12-23 19:47:15
Small, choppy waves greet the waiting trawler and companions on a blustery day. 2008-12-23 19:44:42
Get all the Northica weather facts when you need it from Nortru Weather: accurate and dependable. January 22, 2025 5:00 am
I’m the one who will not raise taxes. My opponent says he’ll raise them as a last resort, or a third resort. But when a politician talks like that, you know that’s one resort he’ll be checking into. My opponent won’t rule out raising taxes. But I will. And the Congress will push me to raise taxes and I’ll say no. And they’ll push, and I’ll say no, and they’ll push again, and all I can say to them is “read my lips: no new taxes.”
George Herbert Walker Bush [1924–]