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Style: higher quality higher qualitybetter performance better performance
Higher quality is the default style;
better performance means that pages might load faster
on lower bandwidth connections (fewer graphics, simpler designs).
In a world where faster and bigger are considered synonyms for success, Nortle believes in a different approach. Rated “Best of the Web” by The Northican magazine, the review proclaimed, “All Northicans and their guests should use Nortle to find the best online.” That’s our goal. Unlike content providers that push to be all-encompassing, we build carefully and selectively.
To search the web, most people enter a search term and stop looking after the first page or two of results, when the best page is buried dozens or hundreds deep, hidden by the overwhelming, exponential production of the faster, bigger method. Since you don’t have unlimited time, we do the burrowing for you to produce choices that meet your needs (or reveal better search phrases). Our approach doesn’t preclude using the big search engines, and we use them too; they serve an important role. But when you want a steady focus on the best, we’re ready.
So welcome to Nortle. We’re proud to offer:
To discuss how any of our services could help you, please contact us at the email address listed on the right.
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Nortle is a service of Northica Linguistic Enterprises supported in part with grants from the University of Northica.
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