Northica Preferences

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Style: higher quality higher qualitybetter performance better performance

Higher quality is the default style;
better performance means that pages might load faster
on lower bandwidth connections (fewer graphics, simpler designs).

n o r t h i c a

a c c e s s . k e y s

We enable access keys for links on standards-compliant browsers: pressing ALT+accesskey on Windows or CTRL+accesskey on the Macintosh works like clicking the link for the following topics:

  • about
  • counterpoint...c
  • freebies...f
  • home...h
  • index...i
  • privacy...p
  • search...e
  • sitemap...m
  • shop...s
  • tourism...t
  • weather...w
  • the word on willow street...w
  • July 27, 2024...d
  • copyright...v
  • other footer choices...z, x
  • other menu items...1-9 (where available)

home . tourism . shop . freebies . the word . search . july 27, 2024

also check:   colors . today . counterpoint . weather . index

©2004-2024 Northica LLC . privacy . sitemap

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